Now comes the best part of my trip to Spain: the beach! On Saturday (8 May, Day 41) Emily and I went to Plentzia, which is a town on the beach about 40 minutes away by metro from Neguri (where Emily lived). It's in the opposite direction from Bilbao, so we pretty much spent the entire day there. There was no lounging on the beach involved since it was a little rainy and cold when we first got there, but it was still beautiful and the sun eventually made its way out from behind the clouds.
On the way from the metro station to the beach, we crossed over this bridge:
We got some nice views of the town too:
After about a fifteen minute walk, we finally made it to the beach:
We followed this pathway out to a pier-like thing:

I think Emily might have gotten tired of all the pictures I was taking...
From the end of the pier, the view of the ocean was actually blocked by this other pier and a pile of slabs of rock:

The other pier was attached to a different part of the beach that we couldn't get to, so we had to go around to the other side of the beach to get a view of the ocean.
On the way back up the pier, we passed this cute little puppy playing in the sand...this was the best picture I could get of him, since he was moving so fast:
The beach was u-shaped, and the first pier we walked along was on the left side of the u. We finally got a clear view of the open ocean once we walked around to the bottom of the u:

I think I can almost see Lavallette...that little speck there...
Emily and me...I think this was on of the times the sun decided to shine for a few minutes:
See that little dot there in the middle of the water?

That's a guy on a surfboard. Notice how there aren't any waves? He was just standing on it, using a paddle to move himself along. So maybe it wasn't exactly a surfboard, but still, I would get rather wet if I ever decided to try that...
This is a view back at the beach from once we got to the pier on the right side of the u:
A view out towards the ocean:
We then decided to go climbing on those can see the pier we were on behind Emily:
A few more views across the little u-shape of the beach and towards the ocean: