Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Okay, new plan... - Day 58

So.  Tonight is the first night that Meredith and I have been done with our sight-seeing activities and back in the room before midnight, so clearly I have not had much time to update this blog.  And of course, tonight I have all sorts of homework to catch up on before classes in the morning, followed by classes all day tomorrow and a trip to Nuremburg on Thursday.  Meredith leaves on Friday, and we're trying to cram in as much as possible between now and then, so I probably won't have much time before then.  But here's the new plan: on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I will update my blog with a billion pictures and stories.  I have nothing planned for this weekend except sleep, blogging, and homework (in that order) with some hanging out with friends thrown in there for good measure, so hopefully I will be able to catch up.

Just so people (ahem, Kristin) get off my back about updating and posting pictures, here's a little teaser:

Ten points to whoever figures out where I am and what I'm doing there.

Toodles till Friday! :)


  1. You're in Spain trying to hang laundry on a clothes line in the ash cloud from the Fedorkendanglellog volcano.
    Uncle Bob
