I'm reminded again why I want to try to blog something every day, even if it's not much, because today is Saturday (Day 6) and I barely remember what I did on Thursday (Day 4)...but I'll try.
Thursday morning, we had to meet at JYM at 10:00 again, first for another coffee hour (no Nutella this time...I had to eat at home), and then for information about general things that we need to know and a bit about what kinds of classes we can take. I won't know my class schedule for sure until April 15, but I can start looking at what classes I want to take now. I'm still thinking that I'll take mostly JYM courses, with one or two at LMU.
After that information session, we had about an hour and a half before we were supposed to be back for eine Raetselrally - a scavenger hunt - around Munich, so my new friend Kathryn and I decided to do some quick grocery shopping, since we knew that all the stores would be closed on Friday, Sunday, and Monday for the Easter holidays. We got our shopping done, but we also learned something about the U-bahns and the necessity of patience: even when it's just by 30 seconds and even if you're running late, if you miss the train you want then you're going to have to wait, plain and simple. This happened to us twice - just as we got to the platform, the train pulled away. Needless to say, we were even later to get back to JYM than we should have been. Fortunately and unfortunately, it was raining, so the Raetselrally was canceled and we had more time to shop before meeting up with the whole JYM group for dinner. I bought a few more things for my room, but mostly enjoyed a chance to walk around the city.
We met everyone for dinner at das Altmuenchner Gesellenhaus - the oldtown meeting house, roughly translated - and had a good time with the whole group, some of whom I still haven't met.
The group I walked around town with, plus a few others.
From left to right: Elizabeth, Eileen, someone I still don't know, Gabrielle, Kathryn, Nicole, and two other people whose name's I've forgotten.
It wasn't actually from Haller Textiles, but it sure looks similar!

After dinner, a group of us (me, Kathryn, Emelie, Elizabeth, Jeff, Corbin, and Landon) went back to Emelie's room to play cards (drinking was involved, but me, Kathryn, and Elizabeth stuck with water...the game was still hilarious) and to make plans for Friday. We have a long weekend off from our orientation, and so Friday through Monday are completely free for us to do whatever we want. A few people are traveling out of the country, but I decided to stay in Munich, and the seven of us and Eileen made very exciting plans for Friday...but that will be my next post!
What a great time you are having! I love the table cloths...they look very similar to Haller Textiles!