Sunday, April 25, 2010

Caught up! - Day 28

This weekend marks the end of the fourth week that I've been here and the end of the first week of classes, which seems completely unreal to me.  I don't want to already be 1/4 of the way done with the program!  I want more time here!  And less that classes have started I actually have to focus, which is much harder than it sounds.  Let me tell you: after not having classes since the very beginning of December, it's awfully hard to get back in the class and homework routine, but I suppose I'd better try.  But first things first: I've spent the first part of this afternoon catching up with my blog.  For the first time, I was more than a week behind with my posts, but I've finally caught up!  I posted about each day in chronological order, so the best way to read all the posts from today might be to start with the earliest (the one for last Thursday and Friday - Days 18 and 19) and ending with the one for yesterday (Day 27), but that's just me.

For now, I'd really better go start some of the homework that's due this week...remind me again why I have to take classes while I'm here?

1 comment:

  1. You have to take classes so that you can graduate next spring...I love you!
