Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally in Munich!!! - Day 1

I'm counting Day 1 as the day I arrived, even though I didn't get here till about 3:30.  Today is my first full day (Day 2), and technically, it's after midnight, so it's now Day 3, but we'll stick with Day 1 for now.  I'm pretty much exhausted right now, so I don't know how much I'll write, but we'll see how it goes.

I have no pictures of the planes, the plane ride, or the airports, and nothing too exciting to share about that, other than having a cabin crew almost entirely comprised of pilots, since British Airways' cabin crew union was on strike.  They were really nice, actually, so my flights were pretty good, even the second one (from Heathrow to Munich), which was in a teeny tiny plane with only 132 seats, half of which were empty, but it was good anyway.  And they served a really yummy cookie/snack bar thing too, which was really yummy, as I already said.

So after the flights, I met up with two other JYM-ers (Alvin and Eileen) who arrived about an hour after me, and then together, we were met by two full year JYM-ers (Bob and Alex) who had our apartment keys and information packets.  They were great and helped us with all our luggage as we made our way from the airport, through the city, and two the Studenten Stadt (or StuStadt, pronounced Shtu-Schtat), and to our rooms.

After putting our stuff in the room, I met up again with the others (minus Alex) and we went to dinner at a little Italian place.  I had Gnocci mit Pesto Sahnesoesse, which was delicious, and experienced again the well-known joy of not being able to drink my water because it was carbonated.  I really should learn to deal with that, but we'll see what happens.  Alvin and Eileen were pretty much asleep on their feet, so we all came back to our rooms.  I tried to hook up the internet and failed, talked to my Mom, and called it a night.

Ok, so that was my first day/night.  Coming attractions: My Room and Day 2!  And eventually Day 3, and Day 4, and Day 5, and so on...but it might be time for bed now...


  1. I want to see pictures of your room! We need to find a time that we're both home to skype!

  2. Remind me again how you add more than 4 pictures to a post, and then I'll put up pictures of my room. I got the first 4 on there, but I can't remember how to add more.

    And I definitely want to skype with you. What time do you usually get home from work?

  3. Hi Ladies!

    Great job, Kels, on your blog! Maybe we can skype all together when I return Kristin's camera this evening!!

    Love you!
