Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fruehlingsfest - Day 20, Part 2

Remember that big empty stretch of concrete at Theresienwiese where Oktoberfest takes place?  I figured out what else it's used for: Fruehlingsfest, the spring-time little sister of Oktoberfest.  For two weeks (April 16 - May 2), Theresienwiese is filled with beer tents, carnival rides, and lots and lots of people, many of whom where Lederhosen and Dirndls.  On Saturday night (April 17), I went with Kathryn and Britta to the Fruehlingsfest, where Britta met up with a few other friends who traveled with her.  We walked around outside for a bit, but spent most of the evening (from about 6:00 until 10:30) in the Augustiner Beer tent.  It was a lot of fun, even though it's not my usual way to spend a Saturday night.  There was live music, delicious fresh Brezeln, and of course plenty of beer and smoke.  We me a few Germans, who were all really nice and tried to teach us the words to the music, and we had a good time talking and dancing.

Theresienwiese is empty no more:

There was barely any breathing room in the beer tent, but we managed to find a table:

Kathryn and her friend Britta

Me and Kathryn - the picture's a little blurry, but not too bad for taking the picture myself

After the band finished and the tent started to close, we took a ride on the Ferris wheel and got some pretty good views of the fest:


The church is St. Paul's church, the same church I took pictures of a couple weeks ago when we were at the empty Theresienwiese...I think it's interesting to compare the photos

Kathryn, Britta, and me

After Fruehlingsfest, we hung out with some other friends we met up with at StuStadt, and then called it a night...or maybe it was early morning by that point, but it was a good day either way.

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